DDE Data Exchange with Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice Calc
To update the Excel with data from ZTrade Plus you should follow the below steps:
1. Please download the file: jddev1.zip
2. Copy the below file jdde.dll to C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_181\bin
(The file jre1.8.0_181 may have a different number depending of the Java version that you have installed.)
3. From ZTrade Plus app click on Setting
and then on the windows that open select Start DDE Server.
4. If the loading fails, your computer may not have install the VC15 redistributable from Microsoft and it should be installed.
Download vc_redist.x64.exe
, install it and redo the process to start DDE,
if you have JAVA 32 bit installed.
You can select automatic start for the DDE so a manual start won't be needed.
α. Copy the file jddev1.zip το jdde32.dll in C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_181\bin
(The file jre1.8.0_181 may have a different number depending of the Java version that you have installed.)
β.Download the https://aka.ms/vs/15/release/vc_redist.x86.exe and install it and retry the start of DDE.
When the DDE server starts the button "Start DDE Server" changes to "Stop DDE".
Available DDE Fields
The syntax for EXCEL is:
the syntax for OpenOffice is:
The last price
Last Price
The percentage of the change
The number of transactions
The projected price
The projected size
Open Interest
Number of shares
Shares (in million)
Market Capitalization
MarketCap (in million)
Performance of 1 week
Performance of 1 month
Performance of 3 months
Performance of 6 months
Performance of 52 weeks
Performance of 1/1
Maximum price of 52 weeks
Minimum price of 52 weeks
Markets and symbol suffixes:
There is no suffix needed to the default market set in your App.
If the symbol is for a different Market, then you should add a dot (.) and the suffix for the corresponding market.
Διαθέσιμες αγορές:
Stock Market Athens
Stock Market London
Stock Market New York
Currencies and Indeces
Stock Market XNEXT
Copying Stock List from ZTradePlus to Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice Calc
To copy a stock list from a column as seen as in ZTrade Plus you should:
For Microsoft Excel:
Press Ctrl + Shift + C by first haivng clicked on any point in a list of ZTrade Plus and then
in Excel by pressing 'Paste' or by pressing Ctrl + V.
For OpenOffice Calc:
Press Ctrl + Alt+ C by first haivng clicked on any point in a list of ZTrade Plus and then
in OpenOffice Calc by pressing 'Paste' or by pressing Ctrl + V.